Tuesday, October 4, 2011

iPhone 4s Release - Lets Talk iPhone Day Is Here

Well, the huge announcement from Apple has left some people scratching their heads while other are very happy. The fact that we only got some small updates from Apple ended the show early for some viewers. The fact that we will still have to wait another year to see the iPhone 5 is a big problem for some iPhone fan boys. After all, many were ready for a cloud based iPhone and a new design, but all we got today was a iPhone 4s.

There is still a lot that is new about the next gen iPhone and some pretty bad ass hardware specs (as expected) to come to iPhone fans that are ready to upgrade their cellular contract. If you want to know all the ins and outs of the Lets Talk iPhone Apple Announcement check out this frequently updated tech blog. You will find all the new features and links to other Apple iPhone 4s related content here.

The new camera will definitely turn some heads. The 8 MP camera on the iPhone 4s was manufactured specifically for Apple by another tech giant, Sony. These are going to be the camera to beat, offering up to 1080p 30fps video is pretty solid coming from a tiny device like the iPhone. The new sensors in the camera promise to provide better low light sensitivity and in turn better pictures too. The camera gets a bump from a 5MP to 8MP but with cameras with a small aperture, the light levels are usually much more problematic, so it was good to see Apple and Sony getting right to the results on this upgrade in more ways than one.

We know this phone has not even hit the streets yet, but the Cool iPhone Accessories team is already covering the iPhone 5 iPhone 4s Lets Talk iPhone Press Release and they will be sure to have some cool gadgets for these new members of the iPhone family. So make sure to check by and see whats new when you get your next i-gadget!

Secret iTunes Alternative For iPhone Users

There are a lot of hacks and cracks for iPhones, some are much safer than others. The most popular being the Jailbreak, where you can install third party applications on your iPhone.  This method may have had it's day in the sun, but of course Apple is doing everything they can to make this a thing of the past.  Many people who have got the newest jailbreak on their iPhone 4 or older iPhones running iPhone OS 4 have found out that Apple is now starting to suspend iTunes accounts for those who are using this "non standard" software. So lets talk about some totally legal ways to get more out of your iPhone that will not get your iTunes account suspended.

For iPhone and iPod users who are looking for a better way to sync their favorite music, videos and pictures with their device there is a new program that offers some relief and will allow you to break free from the iTunes chains once and for all. The app suite is called CopyTrans and you can download it for absolutely free. The creators of this really slick little app are really staying on top of updates and offer functionality for almost every Apple i-product ever released.  If you are sick and tired of the terribly slow speed that iTunes seems to sync, copy and well just about everything else, it may be time to give this program a first look and see what the difference a new synchronization app can make.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Great New iPhone Gadgets

Do you love using bluetooth devices on your iPhone?  Many people have found that their iPhone is much more functional when you take advantage of it's wireless music and freedom from cables.  The hands free experience that the iPhone bluetooth offers is really amazing and if you want to take your iPhone's functionality to the next level, here is a great speaker that you gotta see! The Altec Lansing InMotion SoundBlade has a great stereo speaker sound and also offers hands free phone calls through the same device. This speaker system can function while plugged in but can also be ran off of AA batteries. This allows you to really take your bluetooth speakers with you anywhere!

The Altec Lansing SoundBlade is a real solid value and is one of the hottest selling bluetooth speakers for the iPhone right now.  There is no reason to trade quality for a lower price when it comes to a portable speaker.  Altec Lansing has been known for its high quality audio products and this speaker is no different. There are lots of great gadgets coming out for the iphone right now, one that we love is the Elago iPhone Stand which is a great stand for your iPhone that costs less than 5 bucks!  Have fun finding your favorite gadgets for your iPhone and we'll see you on the next post!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

iPhone Jailbreaking Is Now Legal!

Well, OK it was never really illegal, but there has been legislation passed that states that users of cell phones and start phones cannot be legally be restricted to the software they install after buying the hardware(the phone).  So anybody who has been interested in getting their iPhone unlocked so they can install all the software you want, rather it is on the iTunes store or the Cydia or Rock store.  This will be the turning point for many software and technology companies thought process and will surely change the future strategy of many software makers.

Mobile software companies have long been working towards creating single standard, it doesn't look like this will actually happen anywhere in the near future. The chances are more likely that you will see the iTunes store coming to android phones, before their is a singular store that all phones use. This recent legislation may still be protested, but it will definitely give the industry an opportunity for much needed fresh start.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Better Than A Warranty

The Otterbox offers a much better way for you to make sure that your new phone will last for years to come even if you are accident prone.  They offer a type of security that no insurance plan can offer and they can cost a fraction of what you will pay to keep an iPhone insured.  Many consumers are choosing a great iPhone case over the expensive insurance policies being offered by cell phone carriers these days.

Until recently iPhone owners could not even insure their phone unless they had bought it with a third party service like Mastercard or SquareTrade offer.  Now that you can get your favorite digital device insured a lot of people are deciding to spend the extra cash to insure their iPhone in case of drops or other accidents that are sure to come along sooner or later. There is a better option and a much cheaper way to insure that your phone will live through it's next fall.

The otterbox iPhone case has built it's name on the quality construction and the very strong cases that they produce.  If you are looking for way to make your phone more durable and make it last for years to come, this may actually be a better investment than paying for the iPhone insurance that will still be in question until a customer service representative OK's your claim.  Of course these are not indistructible, but they sure make the ipPhone a much more durable device and I have seen many a phone live through some nasty falls when wearing the famous Otterbox iPhone case.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Find iPhone Apps For Cheap!

Have you been trying to find a way to get those iPhone apps that you love for less?

Everybody is trying to find a way to get the coolest apps for less and we have found a resource that will really help you get the most bang for your buck at the Apple App Store. There is nothing "shady" or tricky about it, you just have to know how to go about it and you will be able to get almost any iPhone app for pennies on the dollar!

There are many apps that normally sell for $4.99 or more that if you know how to play your cards right you can grab for absolutely free.  These are not some knock-off apps, they are the real deal and if you want to start saving big time, we don't blame you.  Buying all the apps you want can become expensive, as new useful apps hit the App Store each and every day it can be hard to keep up.

The resource we are speaking about here, is actually an article we found on a popular article directory. The information is concise and to the point.  So if you want to Learn How To Get iPhone Apps Cheap, then follow the link and give this article a quick read.